Martin revolves around Lt. Brigadier Arjun Saxena, whose journey takes him from Pakistan to India to discover his real identity and fight against black market dealers, who are involved with terrorists to orchestrate massive attacks in the country. INFO Release...
When society turns into a jungle, just one predator cries out for justice. INFO Genre: Thriller, Drama Average rating: ★★☆☆☆ • 40 Actors: Sri Murali, Rukmini Vasanth, Prakash Raj Director:...
Welcome aboard, (s)he is your captain Han Jung-woo, a pilot with top-class skills, is flying high and even appears on a famous TV show. But everything comes crashing down when...
As the Ripper stalks Gotham City, the Dark Knight reveals the face of terror. In an alternative Victorian Age Gotham City, Batman begins his war on crime while he investigates...
Fifty shades of red. A young couple is lured into the clutches of a bloodthirsty 500-year-old vampire; the exotic stranger tries to persuade them to swap partners and join his...
Everyone pays in the end. An aging ex-boxer gangster working as muscle for a Boston crime boss receives an upsetting diagnosis. Despite a faltering memory, he attempts to rectify the...
It's the last thing you'll see. About to embark on a new world tour, global pop sensation Skye Riley begins experiencing increasingly terrifying and inexplicable events. Overwhelmed by the escalating...
When a notorious gang of bikers recruits her brother for a heist, a former motocross champion must face her deepest fears to keep her family safe. INFO Genre: Action, Drama...
Once you see it, it's too late. After witnessing a bizarre, traumatic incident involving a patient, Dr. Rose Cotter starts experiencing frightening occurrences that she can't explain. INFO Genre: Horror,...
In a land of swords and sorcery, bandits break from their gang to protect a little girl, pitting them against their old friends and former leader who was once like...
Jennilyn, a hardworking secretary at a construction site hides a lot of dark secrets. When she seeks the help of the newest employee, her plans start to collapse. INFO Average...
Based on the true story of three Christian prisoners who face execution in a third world country and how their joy in Christ results in a stunning conclusion. INFO Genre:...
No one outruns revenge. When The Thief’s partner is kidnapped after stealing millions in cash from a merciless drug lord named Nushi, he reluctantly teams up with an angst-ridden orphan...