
Lady narrates her experience with boyfriend after meeting him in person for the first time

A lady has shared her experience after going on a date for the first time with a guy she met online.

According to the lady who shared her story to Omowumi_ on I.G, she was forced to block the guy on social media after seeing him in person, and finding out that he’s extremely short.

She narrated:

“I had been dating a guy I met on Instagram for over a year. We decided to meet for the first time in Lagos. So I took a flight down and lodged in a hotel.

We planned to have our date at a fancy hotel in Lekki. I had already gotten to the hotel and was waiting for him to arrive. I ordered a wine and was sipping while I waited.

That is how “something” that looked like what I was waiting for showed up. This guy is extremely short. I felt so annoyed and disappointed. Although he doesn’t look tall in his pictures, I was satisfied with the height I saw online before I met him. I blocked him everywhere the following day. No be me to date ancestor.”

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